Letting Go of Worries

I have been so frustrated with not being able to leave my worries and fears (all health related) in God’s hands.  I would pray and give them to Him, but within a short amount of time I would find myself dwelling on them and fretting about them once again.  Even during Mass this morning I could not keep my mind focused on what was taking place at Mass.

Until after Mass when we prayed the Rosary for all the sick in our parish.  We  prayed the Joyful Mysteries since it was so close to Christmas.  As I prayed I started thinking about how Mary’s yes was one of total abandonment of self and total trust in God.  And then the miracle – I was able to continue to focus on each mystery – maybe more than I usually do when I pray the Rosary.  No interruption from fear or worries.  I was blown away and so, so thankful!

After Mass, I went to confession and shared this hanging on to fears and worries with our priest (along with my many other sins).  He spoke some good words of wisdom and had me pray the Prayer of Abandonment as my penance.  I did and had the most amazing day.  No fears, nor worries distracting me from my tasks, my joys, my hopes, my happiness.  It is a powerful prayer and I used to feel it was a little scary to say, but today – I was happy to pray it and God rewarded my sincere prayer with his amazing peace.  Thank you my Father!!!


Prayer of Abandonment


I abandon myself into your hands.   Do with me what you will.

Whatever you may do, I thank you.  I am ready for all; I accept all.

Let only your will be done in me and in all your creatures.

I wish no more than this, O Lord.

Into your hands I comment my soul.

I offer it to you with all the love of my heart.

For I love you Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself

Into your hands, without reserve and with boundless confidence,

For you are my Father.


Brother Charles de Foucauld


Prayer of Abandonment

This prayer is often a hard one for me.  Easy to say, but difficult to say with complete sincerity.  Surrender equal risk and vulnerability and will most likely involve carrying crosses.  But through it all I know it is so worth it.  Experience has shown me that surrender only helps me know and love my amazing God more clearly and fully.

I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.

Into your hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to you
with all the love of my heart,
for I love you, Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands,
without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for you are my Father.

Charles de Foucald