Palms, Ashes, and Compost

On Ash Wednesday, I decided to burn the palm branches that we were given at church last year on Palm Sunday. These palms were to remind us of our Lord’s last week on Earth – his triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, his last supper with the disciples, his passion and his death on a cross – all done to bring us back into complete union with him. I prayed while watching the flames and stirring the broken branches, that God would light a new fire in me and give me a new heart.

After burning the palms, I wondered what I should do with the ashes. It came to me that a perfect place for them would be on my compost pile. I spread the ashes on top of the last deposit of carrot shavings and apple pieces, and then took the near-by shovel and mixed them into the dirt below. I dug down, lifted up dirt, and then turned the shovel over to let the dirt drop back down in a new spot. As I was doing this over and over again, I realized that God, in his great wisdom, led me to this compost pile. He was telling me that what happens in a compost pile can also take place in me. He can take all the pain, the wrongdoings, and all of the “garbage” in my heart and transform it into a new heart, a heart that is rich and fertile so that it can help bring new life to others. He is ready to that for each on of us, if only we ask.

My Lord and Savior,

Your mercy is new every morning.

Renew me O Lord.

I bring to you this day

My aches, my pains, my sadness, my failings.

Transform my heart into

A heart of love, a heart of hope,

A heart of thanksgiving:

A heart that helps others see You.

Make my heart like yours.


A Changed Life


Today is the Feast Day of St. Katharine Drexel.  As I read about her life, I realized how much my heart is likes hers – hurting so when seeing the divisions and inequality in our country and in our world.

DREX44NWSShe is different though, in that she was from a very well-to-do family and really had no needs of her own.  Even so, and maybe because of that, she saw the plight of the poor, the Native Americans and the blacks.  She prayed and eventually gave her entire life to finding ways to help these people who had a special place in her heart.

So, I too will pray, specifically asking God what I can do, what I should do, what he wants me to do and then asking for the strength and courage to do it.

Her words:  “The love of neighbor for God’s sake is the same as love of God.”

I found this short devotion and prayer that was attributed to Katharine Drexel and was drawn to it as I am being drawn to a deeper love of Jesus through his mother Mary.

“What likeness is there between me and my Mother?

Do I try to be like her, in her love for Jesus?

In her devotion for the cause for which he died –

the salvation of souls –

in her absolute submission to the will of God,

in her patient suffering?

Holy Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, too,

let me stand at the foot of the cross with you,

to learn its lesson

and to learn to be like the Mother of Sorrows.”


The Power of the Gospel


“I am not ashaned of the Gospel.  For it is the power of God for salvation.”

My Lord,

Guide me each day by your Word.  May it settle deep in my heart

and remain in my mind as I do about each day’s tasks and activities.

May it be the light shining ahead of me

showing me the way you wish me t walk.

May it be the sources of courage and peace in my heart

as I face uncertainty, pain, injustice, and hurt.

May it become visible t others through my words and actions.

May the power of your Gospel become the power in my every thought and action.



No Words Can Describe It

I watched the NASA video the other day of the “close-up” of the Andromeda Galaxy and was blown away!    I have had it in my thoughts often this week.  I went back today and watched it again, and still can’t put appropriate words to what I feel.  I just see that Our Lord, our creator, is soooooooo big, sooooooooooo powerful, soooooooooooooo amazing!  I feel such love for Him yet at the same time realize how small my love is in comparison to His!  I decided to try to keep a link to that video close by so I could easily remind myself of the awesome God who created me and loves me so!  I started this blog as a way for me to make a saved collection of prayers that spoke to my heart, but I realize now that there are a few others looking at what I share.  So, I hope this too, speaks to you and draws you closer to our God.


Oh God, 

My simple words cannot come close at all to describing the awe I feel when viewing your amazing creation. How can I ever not be at peace knowing that you, the Supreme Creator, have little me in your thoughts each moment of each day. Even with this immense and intricate world you are sustaining each second, you think of me!  I love you with every piece of my being!  I praise you for how you reveal yourself to me in small ways and in such awe-invoking ways like this!  I pray that my life can reflect to others at least a small glimpse of your tremendous beauty and love.  This day I give you!




Be at Peace

Yesterday, January 24th, was the feast day of St. Francis de Sales.  I had heard his name over the years, but in reality knew nothing about him.  So today, I looked him up and read a little.  I was impressed by his ability to step out in faith, against his father’s hopes and wishes, to become a priest and not a lawyer as hoped for by his father.  The prayer below is from his words which spoke so to my mind which is so quick to fill with fear and worry.  Yes, our God has brought us through many hard times and trials, yet it seems I automatically flip on the fear/worry when a tough decision is looming or a challenge lies ahead.  This prayer is one I need to keep in my heart … or at least in by back pocket where I can turn to it often.

Oh dearest Lord,

Help me to be at peace.

May I not look forward in fear to the changes of life;

But rather look to them with full hope as they arise.

God, whose very own I am,

Deliver me from out of them.

You have kept me hitherto, 

Lead me safely through all things;

And when I cannot stand it, 

O God, bury me in your arms.

Keep me from fearing what may happen tomorrow;

Keep me secure in faith that You,

the same everlasting Father who cares for me today

Will take care of me tomorrow and everyday.

Either shield me from suffering, 

Or give me unfailing strength to bear it.

May I be at peace,

Putting aside all anxious thoughts and imagination.”

St. Francis de Sales  1567-1622


My Tools


As the national holiday in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. nears, I have been reading from the book “A Knock at Midnight” which contains some of his sermons.  I see even more what an amazing man he was – filled with vision, filled with hope, and most of all filled with love.  I decided to look deeper to read some of his prayers.  Below are parts of two that spoke to me this morning.

“…In these days of emotional tension, when the problems of the world are gigantic in extent and chaotic in detail, give us penetrating vision, broad understanding, power of endurance and abiding faith, and save us from the paralysis of crippling fear.  And O God, we ask Thee to help us to work with renewed vigor for a warless world and for a brother hood that transcends race or color.”

I ask myself,  “How can I work to help make this happen?”  This next prayer of Rev. King is one I will be praying to find the answer to that question.  (I will add in “Help me to see the tools you have given me.”

Lord help me to accept my tools. However dull they are, help me to accept them. And then Lord, after I have accepted my tools, then help me to set out and do what I can do with my tools.”


The Pursuit



I am sharing from my morning devotional today ( from “The Word Among Us”).  It made me think of being on a “Most Wanted” list, but in a good way.  I feel so blessed to be so wanted that God sent his own Son to bring me in.  And I am thankful that even though I still slip away from time to time, maybe even just a few steps away, he continues to pursue me and bring me back.  Almighty God, I thank you, I praise you, I give you all the glory!!!

“It wasn’t enough for him to remain in heaven and hope that we would turn back to him.  It wasn’t enough for him to send us his word through the prophets.  It wasn’t enough for him to take on human flesh so that he could show us the way back to his Father.  No, he pursued us to the very gates of hell.  He rescued us from the clutches of the enemy – and it cost him his life!”


Thank you for loving me before I even knew you!

Thank you for running after me with so much love.

I turn to you now with a heart ready to receive your mercy and grace.”

Amen!  Amen!

Anna’s Lesson

anna the prophetess

“There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four.   She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.”

I have heard today’s gospel reading many, many times, but today I was struck by the faith of Anna and her amazing ability to wait on God’s timing.  She believed God’s promise of sending a Messiah and prayed day and night for this.  I started wondering how she could be so faithful and strong while waiting so long.  The only clue from Scripture (without doing any research), is that she never left the temple.  She stayed in a place where she felt she was closest to God.  Maybe I am reading into this, but lately I have been hearing God tell me to stay close to Him in His Word and in His church (the physical church and the body of Christ church). God’s promises are still true today yet sometimes it is my faith that doubts.

Oh Father,

Thank you for hearing my heart cries and

for answering me with your promises

that you are in control, that you will always be there with me,

that you will be my eternal rock.

Through your Word, you brought me to Anna today,

who had such strong faith in your promise of a Savior,

and was undaunted by year after year after year of waiting.

Lord, I will try to be like her,

always trusting, praying, and staying close to you.

Bless my efforts, O Father with your amazing peace.

May I be like Anna also in how she announced you to others.

May I share you and your love with those around me.

You are my Lord, my rock!



Yes, I am Getting Older


This past year I have come to realize an important fact related to my life:  I am getting older.  My mind and my spirit have always made me feel like a young child – experiencing joy in the smallest things: still loving to splash in puddles, hear the birds, see a rainbow, slide down a slide, hear a silly joke … and so much more.  I don’t know if it the major health problems my husband and I have had to face this year, but for the first time in my life my mind is letting me know I am not young.  Senior moments are happening more often than I like and sometimes I let them cause me to worry and that takes the joy out of the day.  I am trying each day to surrender this getting older to God.  He is the one in control anyway, right?  When I can surrender, then once again I can laugh at those Senior moments, feel joy and continue to live each day as a servant of God and still splash in puddles with childlike joy!  And thus, my prayer today is a prayer I came across about growing older.


I don’t want to grow old God. I don’t want any part of it.But since I have no power to stop the clock, my prayer is this: Let me age with grace.

Show me the way, God. Be with me. Grant health to my body and clarity to my mind. Give me strength. Help me to overcome my vanity. Teach me to combat self-pity. Don’t allow me to become set in my ways. Shield me from isolation and from loneliness.

May the love of my family and friends be my reward for all the struggles of my youth.

Let all the blessings of age emanate from me. Let wisdom flow from my mouth, let compassion flow from my heart, let acts of kindness flow from my arms, let faith flow from my soul, let joy shine forth from my eyes.      


by Rabbi Naomi Levy

A Christmas Prayer



May you be filled with the wonder of Mary,

the obedience of Joseph,

the joy of the angels,

the eagerness of the shepherds,

the determination of the Magi,

and the peace of the Christ Child.

 Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you now and forever.


From “Let’s Go Straight to Bethlehem” by Ray Pritchard

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