My Tools


As the national holiday in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. nears, I have been reading from the book “A Knock at Midnight” which contains some of his sermons.  I see even more what an amazing man he was – filled with vision, filled with hope, and most of all filled with love.  I decided to look deeper to read some of his prayers.  Below are parts of two that spoke to me this morning.

“…In these days of emotional tension, when the problems of the world are gigantic in extent and chaotic in detail, give us penetrating vision, broad understanding, power of endurance and abiding faith, and save us from the paralysis of crippling fear.  And O God, we ask Thee to help us to work with renewed vigor for a warless world and for a brother hood that transcends race or color.”

I ask myself,  “How can I work to help make this happen?”  This next prayer of Rev. King is one I will be praying to find the answer to that question.  (I will add in “Help me to see the tools you have given me.”

Lord help me to accept my tools. However dull they are, help me to accept them. And then Lord, after I have accepted my tools, then help me to set out and do what I can do with my tools.”
