No Words Can Describe It

I watched the NASA video the other day of the “close-up” of the Andromeda Galaxy and was blown away!    I have had it in my thoughts often this week.  I went back today and watched it again, and still can’t put appropriate words to what I feel.  I just see that Our Lord, our creator, is soooooooo big, sooooooooooo powerful, soooooooooooooo amazing!  I feel such love for Him yet at the same time realize how small my love is in comparison to His!  I decided to try to keep a link to that video close by so I could easily remind myself of the awesome God who created me and loves me so!  I started this blog as a way for me to make a saved collection of prayers that spoke to my heart, but I realize now that there are a few others looking at what I share.  So, I hope this too, speaks to you and draws you closer to our God.


Oh God, 

My simple words cannot come close at all to describing the awe I feel when viewing your amazing creation. How can I ever not be at peace knowing that you, the Supreme Creator, have little me in your thoughts each moment of each day. Even with this immense and intricate world you are sustaining each second, you think of me!  I love you with every piece of my being!  I praise you for how you reveal yourself to me in small ways and in such awe-invoking ways like this!  I pray that my life can reflect to others at least a small glimpse of your tremendous beauty and love.  This day I give you!




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