Be at Peace

Yesterday, January 24th, was the feast day of St. Francis de Sales.  I had heard his name over the years, but in reality knew nothing about him.  So today, I looked him up and read a little.  I was impressed by his ability to step out in faith, against his father’s hopes and wishes, to become a priest and not a lawyer as hoped for by his father.  The prayer below is from his words which spoke so to my mind which is so quick to fill with fear and worry.  Yes, our God has brought us through many hard times and trials, yet it seems I automatically flip on the fear/worry when a tough decision is looming or a challenge lies ahead.  This prayer is one I need to keep in my heart … or at least in by back pocket where I can turn to it often.

Oh dearest Lord,

Help me to be at peace.

May I not look forward in fear to the changes of life;

But rather look to them with full hope as they arise.

God, whose very own I am,

Deliver me from out of them.

You have kept me hitherto, 

Lead me safely through all things;

And when I cannot stand it, 

O God, bury me in your arms.

Keep me from fearing what may happen tomorrow;

Keep me secure in faith that You,

the same everlasting Father who cares for me today

Will take care of me tomorrow and everyday.

Either shield me from suffering, 

Or give me unfailing strength to bear it.

May I be at peace,

Putting aside all anxious thoughts and imagination.”

St. Francis de Sales  1567-1622


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