The Pursuit



I am sharing from my morning devotional today ( from “The Word Among Us”).  It made me think of being on a “Most Wanted” list, but in a good way.  I feel so blessed to be so wanted that God sent his own Son to bring me in.  And I am thankful that even though I still slip away from time to time, maybe even just a few steps away, he continues to pursue me and bring me back.  Almighty God, I thank you, I praise you, I give you all the glory!!!

“It wasn’t enough for him to remain in heaven and hope that we would turn back to him.  It wasn’t enough for him to send us his word through the prophets.  It wasn’t enough for him to take on human flesh so that he could show us the way back to his Father.  No, he pursued us to the very gates of hell.  He rescued us from the clutches of the enemy – and it cost him his life!”


Thank you for loving me before I even knew you!

Thank you for running after me with so much love.

I turn to you now with a heart ready to receive your mercy and grace.”

Amen!  Amen!

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